1. Fold the paper with the eyes from corner to corner down the middle of the design, then open out and fold from side to side. Open again and fold the right-hand point across to the second crease line, making a new crease straight up to the top point.
2. Fold over the left-hand side so that the two edges align, then fold the left-hand side over again, using the line where the two edges meet as the fold line.
4. Fold the top flap up to the right so that the left-hand edge runs across the top of the piece, then turn the point down so that the top edge now runs down the central crease.
6. Open up the top flap, then fold the short diagonal edges in to meet along the central crease. Lift the right-hand flap, open it up and reverse the diagonal crease, pushing the fold of paper underneath the top flap.
9. Lift up the model and open it out, then reverse the diagonal creases at the right-hand end and carefully refold to create an angled neck. Pull down the end point and flatten at an angle to create theT. rex's mouth.
Did you know?
If humans had been alive at the same time asT. rex, it could have gobbled us up in just two mouthfuls. The dinosaur's powerful jaw and saw-edged teeth were ideal for crushing bone and piercing flesh.
11. Take the second sheet of paper and fold it in half both ways, then open it out and fold the bottom up to the central crease. Fold this flap in half by turning it back down to the bottom crease.
12. Turn the paper over and fold the bottom back up to the central crease, then fold the upper flap at the bottom of the paper over the central crease.
13. Fold in the sides so that they meet in the middle and then turn up the bottom corners of these new flaps, making diagonal creases with the bottom edges now running up the sides of the model.
14. Lift the main flap on each side opening out the smaller triangular flaps. Refold the main flaps, reversing the diagonal creases so the smaller flaps now point out over the sides of the model.
16. Lift the top corners of the model and push them inside, reversing the direction of the creases and refold so that the top of the model is now a single, central point.
17. Turn over the paper and fold down the upper flap from the top of the model. Next turn up the bottom edge so that it runs along the widest horizontal edge. Turn over the outside points using concertina folds.
18. Fold over the two flaps at the top of the model so that the vertical edges run horizontally. Fold over the outside diagonal edges of these new triangles so that they also run horizontally.
19. Lift the last flaps and open them out, then refold into the same shape while reversing the direction of the creases so that the flaps are on the outside. Turn these flaps up to the vertical.
20. Fold the opened-out second sheet around the body of the dinosaur and tuck the front corners of the second sheet up inside the body to hold the two pieces of paper together.
※홈페이지 2019. 1월 오픈 예정 ※포스터 부문의 경우, 6인 이상의 경우에만 단체접수 가능
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- 출품된 작품의 저작권(저작재산권과 저작인격권)은 출품자(창작자)에게 있으며, 저작권은 수상 후에도 응모자에게 귀속됩니다.
- 국내외 타 공모전, 문학지 등에 출품되지 않은 순수 창작품이어야 하고, 표절, 도용, 모방작품으로 판명될 경우 심사에서
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● 문의 사항
- 공모전 운영사무국 T. 02-334-7005 / E. jsy@thinkcontest.com (월-금 09:00~18:00/주말 및 공휴일 제외)